Workplace Mental Health Gets a Boost: MOM Singapore Takes Charge

mental health: MOM Singapore

In today’s fast-paced world, work-life tends to take a toll on the mental wellbeing of individuals. In cases like these, addressing such concerns becomes vital. Fortunately, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Singapore recognizes the importance of employee wellbeing and is actively implementing initiatives to create a more supportive work environment. This blog will explore the various ways the MOM is helping individuals prioritize their mental wellbeing, fostering a healthier and happier workforce. Whether you’re an employer seeking to create a more mindful workplace or an employee looking for support, this blog will provide valuable insights into the MOM’s commitment to mental wellbeing.

What MOM Singapore has to say about Mental wellbeing at work

“A healthy state of mental wellbeing can contribute to improved productivity. A negative working environment, however, can lead to physical and mental health challenges. Work stress can come from multiple factors and relate to work content and context.”

TRIPARTITE ADVISORY: A Joint Initiative by MOM Singapore on Mental Health

In 2020, MOM Singapore joined hands with the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) and the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) to establish a Tripartite Advisory on Mental Health and Wellbeing at the Workplace to counter issues concerning workplace stressors affecting the overall wellbeing of an individual. MOM has, therefore, established that workplace stress can occur at three levels: organizational, team/department, and individual. Considering these levels, MOM established that employers could adopt recommendations that would work in favour of the employees and do their best to eliminate workplace stressors.

1. Recommendations for the Organization

This recommendation includes:

  • Reviewing the state of employees’ mental health as a part of risk assessment of workplace health, surveys can be conducted to measure stressors. Employees can also take self-assessment tests through iWorkHealth, a confidential tool, and may refer to iWorkHealth interventions to address specific workplace stressors.
  • Establishing an after-work communication policy promotes an understanding of adequate rest outside of work hours to eliminate burnout.
  • Establish return-to-work policies to help employees who are recovering from mental health conditions. This is to ensure that the mental health conditions do not impact the work performance.

2. Recommendations for the Team/Department

This recommendation includes:

  • Training HR, managers, and supervisors to identify potential signs of stressors, combat mental distress, and foster a psychologically safe environment.
  • This can be done through supervisors’ regular check-ins in which employees can share and counter their vulnerabilities. Supervisors should provide assurances and keep the evaluations confidential.
  • Setting up a strong peer network can foster a safe environment where peers can build an informal support network to destigmatize mental issues at work.
  • Establish clear protocols so the informal support networks know when and where to refer their colleagues for professional help.

3. Recommendation to Support Individual Employees

This recommendation includes:

  • Services that allow employees to seek help for work-related and non-work-related matters through Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs).
  • Encouragement should be made to make the best use of this service in case the employee feels overwhelmed. However, it is the employer’s responsibility to keep the service and conversations confidential to respect employee privacy.
  • Companies with flexible employee benefits, like medical insurance, may consider extending support by including coverage provisions especially designed to focus on their employees’ mental well-being, such as mental well-being programmes and consultations.

Mental Health Resources and Services by MOM Singapore

If you are struggling to maintain your work-life balance, don’t worry. You can talk about it all and seek professional help through services that are developed to provide the solution you are looking for.

  • Care Corner Mental Health Department (INSIGHT):



  • My Mental Health by Temasek Foundation:



  • CHAT by IMH:



  • Workplace Wellness and You E-Guide by WorkWell Leaders




The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) recognizes that mental wellbeing is just as crucial as physical health for a thriving workforce. MOM Singapore empowers employers to create supportive work environments through initiatives like Workplace Mental Wellbeing Champions and partnerships with mental health organizations. This focus on mental wellbeing fosters a positive and productive atmosphere where employees can reach their full potential. By prioritizing mental health, MOM is helping to build a stronger, more resilient Singaporean workforce.

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