What are Gross & Net Wages? How Are They Calculated?
When it comes to payroll management, organizations and HR managers need to understand two important terms: gross pay and net pay. What are the differences and how are they calculated? Having an all-inclusive payroll solution like PeopleCentral can automate the payroll administration process and help compute gross wages and net wages. What is Gross Wage? […]

Popular Questions on How to Calculate Payroll Taxes
Understanding and computing payroll taxes is a complex task. Outsourcing payroll management or using an all-in-one intuitive AI-enabled platform like PeopleCentral may help significantly in payroll processing; however, as an employer, it is your responsibility to pay taxes. What is payroll tax? How to calculate payroll taxes? Which payroll taxes should the employees pay? Get […]

3 Best Tips Every Business Owner Should Know About Recordkeeping
Recordkeeping is an integral aspect of effective business management and seamless tax preparation. A fully-automated HR and payroll administration solution like PeopleCentral can simplify your bookkeeping. Follow these essential recordkeeping tips that will help reduce costs and improve operational efficiency. 1. Implement a robust recordkeeping system All HR processes, invoices, claims and expenses must be […]

Classifying Your Employees: Everything You Need to Know
When it comes to classifying your employees, it depends on the duration of the job or total hours worked. Based on this form of classification, there are three categories of employees prevalent today: full-time, part-time, and temporary. Classifying your employees is important to determine their employment status as well as eligibility for compensation, perks and […]

Selecting the Right HR System for Your Organization
Bid farewell to mundane HR management chores and prevent manual errors with an HR system that automates and accelerates the entire process. When you choose the right human resource management system for your organisation, it can help streamline the processes, improve your bottom line and help achieve a high return on your investment. However, selecting […]

The Best Employee Onboarding Practices to Follow
Did you know that 90% of employees decide whether or not to stay with the company within the first 6 months of getting started? Studies suggest that an inspiring and efficient onboarding experience can play a pivotal role in influencing employee decisions. Unfortunately, most organisations haste the process and do not have onboarding best practices […]

How Your HR System Can Help Grow Your Business
Do you know what drives a business to its peak of success? It is speed, agility and rapid innovation – Harvard Business Review. Keeping pace with the fast-growing competition today, having agile and efficient HR management practices has become a “strategic imperative” for organisations today. Only a smart and intuitive HR system such as PeopleCentral […]

AI-Based HR Software
AI-Based HR Software – Everything You Need to Know! Artificial Intelligence, popularly known as AI has opened up the door of tremendous possibilities in every field. Be it management or organization, sales or customer service, AI-based solutions are ushering in a new way in which businesses can operate and grow.Empower your HR department with PeopleCentral, […]